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Educational PC Membership Sign Up


This membership is deisgned to accelerate orchestral growth while simultaneously providing students feedback from world-class percussion educators in performance classes. The membership grants all the students in your studio an All-Access pass to our platform for 365 Days. Students receive an individual account to track their progress associated with their own email address.

Complimentary passes are included for all your percussion faculty as well.

Everyone will receive everything on our platform with highlights including:

  • All of our upcoming Live Masterclasses and Masterclass Archive (over 100 classes and counting!)

  • The Repertoire by William James

  • Percussion History and Literature by Dr. Norman Weinberg

  • Tucking Calfskin Timpani Heads by Leo Soto

  • Our organized Excerpt Library of PDF's

  • Our Practice Tracks app for iOS

  • Anything else we create during your membership

Annual Pricing

Educational Passes grant access for 365 Days. You can let us know your preferred activation date at the end of this form.

High School Studio of any size

Studio Representative Info

Fill in the details of the person in charge of the Studio. Payment details will be on the next page.

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